Monday, September 7, 2009


by Lisa Lutz
Simon and Schuster
1230 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10020
ISBN: 9781416593386

Private investigator Isabel Spellman quit her job with her family’s detective business and is working part-time as a bartender at her friend Milo’s bar while trying to decide what to do next. She’s also been through one block of court-ordered therapy and has been passed by that therapist on to another. Milo persuades Isabel to take on a relatively simple case for one of his friends, whose wife is acting mysterious and bringing home expensive items. Meanwhile, Isabel’s brother David returns from a secret trip and stops going to work. Isabel finds out David has a secret apartment in his basement so moves in without his permission. Isabel’s sister Rae’s been accused of cheating on the PSATs and has finally made Detective Henry Stone angry enough he is no longer speaking to her. Isabel can’t sleep in her new home due to her fear of being found by David, so takes naps on buses. She tails the wife, only to be tailed herself. If that isn’t bad enough, her car keeps disappearing. And her feelings for Henry Stone just can’t stay put.

Once more Lisa Lutz provides readers with a fun-filled whodunit which is more about the wacky Spellman family than the actual mystery, but readers won’t mind one bit. The Spellmans are a fascinating, dysfunctional family with individual quirks and laugh-out-loud personas. A definite must-read for those who enjoy a good dose of humor along with a good book.

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